Welcome to Connections, and thank you for reading.

Our new Summer 2020 issue includes a feature article from the 2020 AMTE Early Career Award Recipient, an interesting reflection from the 2019 STaR Teaching Interest Group on equity, information on the 2021 Annual Conference, updates from AMTE's two journals, and more.

Susan Swars Auslander, Connections Editor

Welcome to our new Connections Editor, Susan Swars Auslander! Our new Spring 2020 issue includes information on new resources for online instruction, updates from our affiliates, a call for nominations for AMTE awards and scholarships, information about and pictures from the 2020 Annual Conference, and much more! 

Babette M. Benken, Vice President for Publications

This issue includes a new video feature, an introduction from AMTE's President, Michael Steele.  Also, the President's message suggests that this is a time for renewal through service to AMTE. There are announcements of the newly elected members of the AMTE board and the 2020 AMTE Awards recipients.  There is information on our affiliates, great news from the STaR program, a very interesting article presenting results of a national survey regarding the current state of mathematics education, and the Emerging Issues Committee invites us to attend their advocacy breakfast. In addition, there is important information about the 2020 Annual Conference.

James A. Telese, Editor

This issue includes a call from AMTE's President, Michael Steele, to serve both AMTE and the wider mathematics education community. There is an announcement of the 2020 AMTE Awards recipients, information on our affiliates, great news from the STaR program, results of the MTE Journal survey, and the Equity Committee is seeking our help to respond to a their survey. In addition, there is important information about the 2020 Annual Conference.

James A. Telese, Editor