Twenty-Fifth Annual Conference of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators
Virtual Conference: Thursday - Saturday, Feb 11-13, 2021 and Thursday - Saturday, February 18-20, 2021
The Annual AMTE Conference provides inclusive opportunities for a diverse community of mathematics educators to share current research and practice findings.
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Conference registration is now closed.
Conference registration fees differ by date and membership status, with the opportunity to join or renew during registration.
Early Registration
(Postmarked by Nov. 15) |
(Postmarked by Dec. 31) |
Late Registration
Jan. 31) |
Regular Member | |||
Regular Member Registration |
Registration & 1 Year Membership Dues |
$295 |
Registration & 2 Year Membership Dues |
Registration & 3 Year Membership Dues |
Graduate Student Member* | |||
* Students must have a current Graduate Student Verification Form on file, or submit one with registration. | |||
Student Member Registration |
Registration & 1 Year Membership Dues |
Emeritus Member | |||
Emeritus Member Registration |
Registration & 1 Year Membership Dues |
Registration & 2 Year Membership Dues |
Registration & 3 Year Membership Dues |
Non-Member | |||
Non-Member Conference Registration |
At a Glance
- Opening Session: Thursday, February 11 6:00 pm EST
- Sessions run over two weeks:
- Thursday, February 11 to Saturday, February 13
- Thursday, February 18 to Saturday, February 20.
- AMTE Business Meeting: Friday, February 12, 5:30 pm EST. This meeting is open to all AMTE members, regardless of whether they are registered for the conference. A link will be sent to members via email.
- Judith E. Jacobs Lecture: Thursday, February 18, 6:00 pm EST.
Conference Feedback
Please share thoughts and comments about the Annual Conference through the brief post-conference survey.
Get the Free Conference App
The conference will use the Guidebook app. A passphrase to access the AMTE 2021 Conference Guide was emailed to those who are registered for the conference on February 3. If you did not receive this email, please check your spam folder and mark it safe to ensure you receive future mailings.
You can also use the Guidebook webpage. Use the passphrase that you were emailed (same as the app).
- Plan your schedule
- Find session rooms, speakers, and attendees
- Share documents, participate in Q&A sessions
- Engage through social media
During the Conference
- Official Conference Program
- Program Changes (cancellations, etc)
- All sessions will be held via Zoom. Links to the sessions are available in the Guidebook conference app and the Guidebook website. If you have difficulty accessing the links, please contact for assistance.
- Here is a Zoom AMTE background you can use!
- Posters will be available via Flipgrid. The link is available in the conference app.
- Instructions for using Zoom and Flipgrid
Conference Video Recordings (Member Login Required)
Recordings of the Opening Session, the AMTE Business Meeting and the major award sessions (Excellence in Advocacy, Excellence in Teaching and Early Career) are available to members at the link above. These are also available to conference attendees within each session on the Guidebook conference app (mobile and web).
Featured Sessions
Opening Session (Thursday, February 11)
L2020. Perfect Vision? Perfect Hindsight? Are We Ready to Reimagine Mathematics Teacher Education?
The opening plenary session is designed to engage conference attendees in collective reflection.

Naomi Jessup

Joel Amidon
Sandra Crespo
Judith Jacobs Lecture (Thursday, February 18)
What Does it Mean to be a Mathematics Teacher Educator
Marta Civil is a Professor of Mathematics Education and the Roy F. Graesser Chair in the Department of Mathematics at The University of Arizona. Her research looks at cultural, social, and language aspects in the teaching and learning of mathematics; participation in the mathematics classroom; connections between in-school and out-of-school mathematics; and parental engagement in mathematics. She has led multiple funded projects working with children, parents, and teachers, primarily in Mexican American communities. Her research is grounded on the concept of Funds of Knowledge with a focus on developing culturally sustaining learning environments in mathematics education. Her most recent work includes a K-3 parental engagement mathematics project aimed at developing a two-way dialogue between home and school and a new collaboration with two other universities focused on the development of a mathematical partnership that engages teachers, parents, and multilingual children in grades 3-5 in underserved communities. She is also exploring how to apply lessons learned from her work in equity in K-12 settings to undergraduate / entry level mathematics teaching and learning.
With respect to AMTE, she has served as the Associate Vice President for Equity and is currently one of the Associate Co-Vice-Presidents for the STaR Fellows Program. She was one of the co-editors for Cases for Mathematics Teacher Educators: Facilitating Conversations about Inequities in Mathematics Classrooms in the AMTE professional book series.