2024 Annual AMTE Conference

Twenty-Eighth Annual Conference of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators

2024 AMTE Annual Conference, Orlando, FL, February 8-10, 2024

Rosen Centre Hotel (see reservation information at the bottom of the page)

The Annual AMTE Conference provides inclusive opportunities for a diverse community of mathematics educators to share current research and practice findings.

AMTE recognizes that this year’s conference location may cause concern for some members (see Spring 2023 Connections article). In recent years, Florida has passed legislation that is dehumanizing and places those in multiple marginalized communities at risk. This includes anti-trans legislation (e.g. CS/SB 1674 & CS/SB 1580) and legislation restricting education related to gender identity and sexual orientation (e.g. HB 1557.) Additionally, a number of anti-black and anti-immigrant bills have been introduced or recently passed. There are ongoing efforts to erase and rewrite Black history, ban books, and shape education in harmful ways. The ACLU Florida provides a comprehensive list that details the multiple ways the legislation is attacking communities and their civil rights.

In light of the climate in Florida, we want to share with our membership the travel advisory released by the NAACP. Other organizations, including the Florida Immigrant CoalitionLeague of United Latin American Citizens, and Equality Florida have also issued travel warnings.

AMTE is committed to providing a safe space for conference attendees. For those unable to attend, we are also planning to provide recordings or streaming of plenary sessions, as well as a free way for AMTE members to asynchronously view individual session materials (e.g., short videos and handouts) and interact with speakers. Those who cannot travel to the conference will still have their name included on the program to give them credit for their work, and we are exploring ways to allow them to participate in their session remotely. More details will be announced soon.     


The Proposal Submission window closed on May 15, 2023.

All Academic Proposal System

Follow us on Twitter (@AMTENews) and Facebook (AMTE.net) 

At a Glance

  1. The conference begins the morning of Thursday, February 8, 2024.
  2. Sessions run all day Thursday and Friday, and during the morning on Saturday.
  3. The conference ends around lunchtime on Saturday.


Schedule Changes


    Get the Free Conference App

    • Plan your schedule
    • Find session rooms, speakers, and attendees
    • Share documents, participate in Q&A sessions
    • Engage through social media
    • To access the app, please do the following: 
      1. Download Guidebook from the Apple App Store or Google Play. 
      2. Click Find Guides at the bottom of the main page of the app. 
      3. Select “Have a passphrase?”, enter the passphrase amte2024, and then select Continue. 
      4. Open the Conference Guide. 

    • If you are unable to access the conference Guidebook, please contact amte-support@amte.net for assistance. 

    • You can also access the web version of Guidebook at https://guidebook.com/g/amte2024 

    • Conference App Features!


    Conference registration is CLOSED

    Table of Registration Costs and Deadlines ▼

    Conference registration fees differ by date and membership status, with the opportunity to join or renew during registration.


    Early Registration 
    (by Sept 29, 2023)

    Regular Registration 
    (by Nov 30, 2023)

    Late Registration 
    (by Jan 24, 2024)

    Regular Member


    Regular Member Registration




    Registration & 1 Year Membership Dues




    Registration & 2 Year Membership Dues




    Registration & 3 Year Membership Dues





    Graduate Student Member*


    * Students must have a current Graduate Student Verification Form on file, or submit one with registration.

    Student Member Registration




    Registration & 1 Year Membership Dues





    Emeritus Member


    Emeritus Member Registration




    Registration & 1 Year Membership Dues




    Registration & 2 Year Membership Dues




    Registration & 3 Year Membership Dues







    Non-Member Conference Registration




      Cancellation Policy

      Family Policy & Resources

      Featured Sessions

      Opening Session (Thursday, February 8, 8:30-10:00 am) 
      Critical Conversations: AMTE Standards for Preparing Teachers of Mathematics In Social and Political Contexts


      Jenny Bay Williams
      Univ of Louisville

      Liza Bondurant
      Mississippi State Univ
      Yvonne Lai
      Univ of Nebraska-Lincoln
      Richard Velasco
      Univ of Oklahoma

      Eva Thanheiser
      Portland State Univ



      Much has happened in the world and in mathematics education since the 2017 release of the Standards for Preparing Teachers of Mathematics. How do we (and how might we) leverage these standards to advocate for teachers, teacher educators, practices, programs, and policies at local, state, and national levels?  What is missing in these standards that could help us better prepare teachers? How do or how should social and political issues impact what we do in mathematics teacher education? In this session, panelists will address these questions and engage the audience in conversations intended to promote critical consciousness with ourselves and with the teachers of mathematics that we prepare.

      Advocacy Luncheon


      Hotel Reservations

      The Rosen Centre is sold out on February 7 and 8. 

      A block of rooms has been made available at the nearby Rosen Plaza at the conference rate. Please use this link to make reservations: AMTE 2024 - Rosen Plaza Reservations


      Conference Hotel:

      Rosen Centre Hotel, Orlando, FL

      • Reservations can be made by using this Reservation Link or by phone: 1-800-204-7234
      • Guestroom rates: $199/night (single or double occupancy), $20/additional person
      • Parking: $40/day valet; $14/day for self-parking (reduced from normal rate of $28/day)
      • Fitness Center: Discounted length of stay fee for fitness center is $5 (Only guests who request access to the fitness center will be charged this fee)
      • Cutoff date for the room block is January 16, 2024, or until the block is full, whichever occurs first.
      • Questions about the conference can be directed to conferencecommittee@amte.net. To inquire about an existing hotel reservation, please contact the hotel directly.