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Our Summer 2022 issue provides a collection of thematic articles focused on integration across disciplines and areas in mathematics teacher education. There are also articles on bridging the gap between coursework and fieldwork and on the CBMS forum on mathematics pathways, as well as a featured piece from 2022 Early Career Award Winner Cathery Yeh. You will find information on current opportunities in AMTE: serving and leading in the organization, publishing in the Professional Book Series and CITE-Math, and recognizing others through awards. Read the latest message from our President, as well as information about two recently approved joint statements, the AMTE 2023 Conference, TMT podcasts, and Affiliates.      

Susan Swars Auslander, Connections Editor 


In the Spring 2022 issue, AMTE’s President reminds us of the varied and important work of our mathematics teacher education community. Also included is a special call for Connections’ manuscripts focusing on integration in mathematics teacher education, plus a reflection on the development and implementation of a regionally relevant mathematical modeling task. Highlights from the recent AMTE conference are provided, along with information on the Launch Years Leadership Network. Be sure to check out the two opportunities to serve on the Board, including Secretary or Board Member-at-Large, along with insights from those who have served. You will also find updates from AMTE’s Board of Directors, journals, Technology Committee, STaR donors, Podcasts, and Affiliates. 

Susan Swars Auslander, Connections Editor 


The Winter 2021 issue includes a special call for Connections’ manuscripts that focus on integration in mathematics teacher education, plus articles on elementary teachers’ choices of curriculum and on attending to equity and justice within a secondary mathematics methods course. The STaR program shares examples of successful and enduring collaborations from past Summer Institutes. Be sure to check out the President’s Message, information from the Board, election results, and the 2022 award recipients. Updates are provided from AMTE’s Affiliates and two journals, including a new article format in the Mathematics Teacher Educator

Susan Swars Auslander, Connections Editor 


In the Fall 2021 issue, AMTE’s President shares ways our community can find inspiration from perspectives in children’s books. Also included are articles focusing on reshaping assessment practices in a methods course, developing prospective teachers’ understandings of mathematics as a human endeavor, using local data to improve outcomes on licensure exams, and implementing a community-centered approach in methods courses. Information is provided on the upcoming AMTE Conference, so be sure to check out the approaching registration deadlines. You will also find updates from AMTE’s journals, Equity and Technology Committees, STaR program, and Affiliates, along with other important happenings. 

Susan Swars Auslander, Connections Editor