MODULE(S2) Project Publishes Teacher Education Curriculum Materials

The NSF-funded MODULE(S2) Project has published free curriculum materials that develop prospective teachers’ mathematical knowledge for teaching secondary mathematics. We offer curriculum materials for use in university courses in four content areas, each meant for a 3-credit-hour semester-long class:

·       Algebra from an Advanced Perspective (including functions, relations, and fields)

·       College Geometry

·       Mathematical Modeling

·       Introductory Statistics

Each set of course materials consists of 3 modules, each taking about 4 weeks of class time or a total of one semester of instruction. To the extent possible, each module is independent of other modules, so the materials can be used flexibly. A college instructor could decide to use 1 module from each of 3 topics to form a capstone course, for example.

The MODULE(S2) curriculum materials have undergone extensive piloting over the last four years and have shown to be effective at improving prospective teachers’ mathematical knowledge for teaching as well as their expectancy and value of teaching mathematics through a student-centered, discussion-based approach. MODULE(S2) curriculum materials have been successfully used in courses solely for teachers as well as courses with a variety of majors.

In addition to our curriculum materials, the MODULE(S2) project has created an online professional learning space to support users of the MODULE(S2) curriculum materials. It includes professional development resources as well as space for interacting with fellow instructors.

Visit our website,, to learn more about our project and request free access to our materials.