Call for Applications for Vice-President for Communications and Outreach and Vice-President for Advocacy, Equity, and Research

Announced May 2024

Call for Applications

Vice-President of Communications and Outreach, and

Vice-President for Advocacy, Equity, and Research


The AMTE Board of Directors is seeking applications for the next Vice-President for Communications and Outreach and Vice-President for Advocacy, Equity, and Research.

AMTE leadership consists of five divisions, which house committees that carry out the work of AMTE. Each division has a Vice President (VP) who coordinates and oversees the work of the committees and ensures that the division’s work is advancing the priorities of the organization.  VPs serve a three-year term, meet monthly as a part of the Board of Directors meetings, and meet regularly with the Associate Vice Presidents that lead work within the divisions.

We thank our outgoing VP for Communications and Outreach, Joel Amidon, and our outgoing VP for Advocacy, Equity and Research, Crystal Kalinec-Craig, for their outstanding service to AMTE.

In order to ensure a strong transition, new VPs will be solicited and appointed by the Board of Directors prior to the fall Board of Directors retreat in October. This will provide the incoming VPs the opportunity to shadow the outgoing VPs, attend the Fall Board Retreat, and to interact with the Board. 

About the Positions

Please review the job description for these VP positions. Candidates for the VP position must be an AMTE member in good standing for at least three years and have a record of attendance at the annual conference. Minimum and preferred qualifications as well as details about responsibilities are given in the job descriptions. Potential candidates are encouraged to discuss their interest in the position with their supervisor(s) at their current institution. 

Vice President for Communications and Outreach position description 

Vice President for Advocacy, Equity, and Research position description

Application deadline: July 15, 2024