Winter 2021

Volume No.: 
Issue No.: 

The Winter 2021 issue includes a special call for Connections’ manuscripts that focus on integration in mathematics teacher education, plus articles on elementary teachers’ choices of curriculum and on attending to equity and justice within a secondary mathematics methods course. The STaR program shares examples of successful and enduring collaborations from past Summer Institutes. Be sure to check out the President’s Message, information from the Board, election results, and the 2022 award recipients. Updates are provided from AMTE’s Affiliates and two journals, including a new article format in the Mathematics Teacher Educator

Susan Swars Auslander, Connections Editor

Learning and Growing in Community


Connections is seeking brief manuscripts focused on this special call with a submission deadline of Mar. 30, 2022. 

Mona Baniahmadi, Duquesne Univ., Amy M. Olson, Duquesne Univ., Marcy B. Wood, Univ. of Arizona, Kristin Doherty, Michigan State Univ., Jill A. Newton, Purdue Univ., Corey Drake, Michigan State Univ., & Bima K. Sapkota, Purdue Univ.

The results show teachers are increasingly using online and teacher-created resources.

Ruthmae Sears, Univ. of South Florida & Queshonda J. Kudaisi, Univ. of South Florida

A framework is applied to develop students' understandings of J.E.D.I. within mathematics education. 

The recipients will be recognized at the upcoming Annual Conference. 

The Mathematics Teacher Educator journal invites submissions to a new article format.

Check out the latest articles in the CITE-Math journal. 

Read about successful and enduring partnerships from past STaR Summer Institutes. 

Congratulations to the newly elected board members

Information about and recent happenings for AMTE's affiliates in Connecticut, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia

Executive Director, Shari Stockero, shares organization highlights and opportunities from AMTE's Board of Directors. 


Connections is a quarterly online publication of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators. The newsletter offers a peer-reviewed opportunity for members to disseminate information to the mathematics teacher education community.


Editorial Panel