Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators

AMTE is the largest professional organization devoted to the improvement of mathematics teacher education — it includes over 1,000 members supporting the preservice education and professional development of preK-16 teachers of mathematics. Members include professors, researchers, teacher-leaders, school mathematics coordinators, policy experts, graduate students, and others. »Learn More


AMTE Annual Report

The 2024 AMTE Annual Report is now available. 

2024 AMTE Annual Report     2024 Annual Report - flipbook


2026 Annual AMTE Conference

Thirtieth Annual Conference of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators 

2026 AMTE Annual Conference in Portland, Oregon, February 5-7, 2026


Speaker Proposal Submission will be available soon. Please check back.
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Standards for Preparing Teachers of Mathematics

Comprehensive, aspirational standards describing a national vision for the initial preparation of all teachers PreK-12 who teach mathematics.

Read the Standards More Info Buy the Book


Timely, important updates for mathematics teacher educators.

What an amazing conference hosted in Reno this year! We hope that the energy and learning from it has inspired you during this Spring semester. This issue of AMTE Connections looks back on all the work at the conference but also looks forward. Our new president, Farshid Safi, continues the discussion on moving beyond transactional relationships, and STaR Fellows discuss their work around the 5 Practices. And don't forget it's never too early to think about the 2026 conference in Portland. The proposal portal opens in April!

Matt Chedister, Connections Editor


Mathematics Teacher Educator Journal

Read the latest issue of Mathematics Teacher Educator, a scholarly journal co-published by AMTE and NCTM.

View Issue About MTE

MTE Podcast

The Mathematics Teacher Educator Podcast accompanies the Mathematics Teacher Educator Journal and is co-sponsored by the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators and the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics

Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education (CITE Journal)

CITE-M, a peer-reviewed journal sponsored jointly by AMTE and other organizations, features Just What Online Resources Are Elementary Mathematics Teachers Using?, by Emily J. Shapiro, Amanda G. Sawyer, Lara K. Dick & Tabitha Wismer.